Official Epione Medical Corporation | Dr. Simon Ourian Blog

Welcome to the official blog of Epione Medical Corporation. We will provide vital information about state-of-the-art procedures and medical breakthrough advancements, including videos, articles and other advantageous reports from the Epione team. Renowned Dr. Simon S. Ourian, who has been at the forefront of Epione, will provide his first hand comments as well.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Dr. Simon Ourian of Epione launches Skin Care

Epione launches the most high quality line of skin care products in its class. Dr. Simon Ourian has put all the elements together for his exclusive line of products. For more information on these unique creams, please call (877)444-0918 and order your supply today.

When you can't come in to Epione for procedure, apply the skin care cream and protect your beauty. Epione's skin care line redefines beauty and elegance. Exclusively available at the Epione Medical Spa or on

The creams Dr. Ourian has developed is now available to everyone and not only his patients.


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